
 In Clinical Practice, patients suffering on the autoimmune cascade present daily.

Autoimmunology is an emerging specialty within the discipline of Immunologyi . Its study invites a paradigm shiftii in the theory of autoimmunity which was developed at a time when the human body was believed to be largely sterile.

It is more likely that the autoantibodies detected in patients with autoimmune disease are generated in response to perceived pathogens rather than ‘self’. Besides the traditional pathogens of our ancestors (bacteria, parasites, viruses, molds and fungi), numerous studies associate environmental toxins in today’s world as potential initiators of the autoimmune cascade .

We will explore the mechanisms of immune response to what is consider an ‘insult’ to the body.


12.5 Continuing Education Hours

The Emergence of Autoimmunology

– The Spectrum of Autoimmunity (normal, benign, pathogenic, clinical)

– Progressing from a normally functioning immune system to pathology

– Identifying the stages of autoimmunity (early signs and symptoms, presenting complaints, genetic weak links, urine and blood tests)


The Stages of Development in the Spectrum of Autoimmunity

– The Autoimmune Tautology

– The triad of development in autoimmune disease

– Identifying the vulnerability of disease development

– Signs and symptoms that may be clues of vulnerability and early development

– How to explain to patients the significance of their signs and symptoms


Identifying the Impact of Food Sensitivities on the Autoimmune Spectrum (Musculoskeletal, Hormonal and Neurological Conditions).

– Case Studies

– Understanding the mechanisms of molecular mimicry and cross-reactivity

– Understanding the current state of testing for celiac disease, gluten sensitivity and autoimmunity

– Introduction to the newest testing procedures and protocols to identify food sensitivities

– Why following a gluten-free diet is usually not enough to heal the intestinal permeability and eliminate systemic inflammation


The Determining Role of the Microbiome in Autoimmune Disease

– Development of autoimmune conditions links to food related disorders

– Differentiating food sensitivities, allergies, intolerances and their impact on musculoskeletal, neurological and hormonal conditions

– Repopulating a healthy microbiome


Recognizing, Identifying and Correcting the ‘Gateway’ in the Development of Autoimmune Disease – Intestinal Permeability

– An in-depth look into the microbiome and it’s affect on chronic and autoimmune disease development.

– Dietary and nutritional recommendations to correct pathogenic intestinal permeability


Predictive Autoimmunity   “An Ounce of Prediction is Worth a Pound of Protocols”

– What is Predictive Autoimmunity

– Accurate prediction allows for prevention

– What tests to run

– How to explain to the patient the significance of these tests

– Asking patients/clients the right questions, tuning into visual clues

– Biochemical/functional testing to elucidate autoimmune components of symptoms; the appropriate use of elimination diets and tips for compliance


Review of Treatment Protocols to Address Compromised Intestinal Barrier Function, Compromised Gut Flora and Inflammation

– Engaging the patient in ‘arresting’ the autoimmune process

– Advice around appropriate language, visuals and analogies


Functional Lab Testing – When, why and how to use key functional lab tests

– In-depth look at key lab test markers, reference ranges and how to interpret

– How to educate client/patient about markers that may indicate dysfunction and healing opportunities in the body


Tools and Resources

– Handouts and Tools to educate your patient/client – provided in member resource center after course completion of course.

– CGPs receive ongoing educational webinar trainings and updates from Dr. O’Bryan on the latest research, lab testing, and protocols in the fields of wheat-related disorders and autoimmunity.